Spotify Discovery Mode

What is Spotify Discovery Mode?

The Spotify Discovery Mode is a marketing tool that allows artists to have their music heard when potential fans are most open to new discoveries. It works by promoting and prioritizing tracks within RADIO and Autoplay sessions. In return, Spotify takes a higher percentage of streams generated by the Spotify Discovery Mode.

Labels receive a payout of -30% for streams generated by the Discovery Mode program. All other "normal" generated streams are paid out as usual without any deductions.

What are the requirements for using Discovery Mode?

To use the Discovery Mode, tracks must be at least 30 days old and have had at least one RADIO and Autoplay stream in the last 7 days. Artists and labels can easily access this information through their Spotify for Artists account.

To submit the Spotify URI of your tracks, kindly utilize this link: Spotify Discovery Mode.

We conduct a monthly review of these submissions.

Should you wish to remove your track from Discovery Mode, kindly reach out to us at

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