
Usually we must have your releases in our database 4 weeks before release date.

These 4 weeks are a safety period where you and we can check the product for errors and guarantee a smooth delivery to the shops.

If you want to release your product faster you can do so using the “fastlane” option - you can use this feature 3 times per month if you have booked our dig dis! Pro plan.

By using “fastlane” you can release your product in 1 week instead of 4 weeks.

To make the most of the fastlane option, it’s essential to submit your release without any errors. If your submission is rejected due to an error, it will be considered one of your fastlane promotions. So, it’s crucial to ensure that your submission meets all the requirements and is free of errors.

The fastlane limit is reset every month on the same date you booked the plan. So, if you booked the plan on the 5th July, the reset will happen on the 5th day of every month.

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