GVL and Labelcode

The GVL (Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten) has direct contracts with many radio stations and TV channels in Germany for collecting the royalties for pieces of music that are broadcast. If your music is played on the radio or on TV, for example as background music, the GVL collects royalties for the use of your music based on each minute broadcast. The labelcode (LC) is only required if you are aiming to pitch your releases to public TV or public radio stations. Besides that having a labelcode is not mandatory as the GVL and other neighbouring rights / collecting societies are able to locate revenue to the correct label even without having a LC. 

If you still require a labelcode, please reach out to publishing@digdis.de

When you order a labelcode through us in accordance with para. 7.5 of your distribution contract, we take care of all administrative work related to GVL, register your pieces of music, and credit the royalties to you once GVL has distributed them. Be advised: registering your music with GVL does NOT automatically make it subject to GEMA! These are two completely separate institutions. 

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