
Beatport Submission (Artists, Labels, Charts)

Labels and Artists are now able to access their profiles on Beatport where they can create label charts and request a feature for their charts & artists.

Due to the high volume of requests that Beatport receives every day, it may take up to 7 weeks for updates to go online. 

For further questions feel free to check out the FAQ section of Beatport: Label Support

Here are more helpful links where you can update bio / picture of an artist.

Features & Banners

Features/Banners on Beatport are very sought-after by all labels! In order to assist us and Beatport in developing convincing arguments for your benefit, we recommend that you e-mail us the following information by Wednesday morning at the latest (four weeks before the release date) after sending us your product normally via konnekt!.

  • Catalog Number / Release title
  • Which amount did you spend in promotion/ marketing (in EURO/ Dollar)
  • 3-5 of the strongest DJ Feedbacks (Artist Name + Feedback)
  • Which media support does your release have (e.g. magazines, music blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & SoundCloud Channels) + links

Please make sure that your info consists of 600 characters - not more!

Best practices:

  • Utilize pre-release dates and set Beatport exclusivity. You have the choice of 2 or 4 week exclusive periods for Beatport. 
  • Set (pre-)release date on Friday
    • In general, features on Beatport are updated on Friday evenings - except for the hype features that are updated on Tuesdays. If you have your release day on Friday and have been featured by Beatport, you may not see it until Sunday / Monday
  • Set a pre-order date of one week for your release. Be sure to use only powerful releases, as a feature depends on the sale of pre-order.
  • solid promotion is paramount in getting your releases known to more customers beforehand resulting in more sales when the release goes live. You can use our in-built kontact! tool for that!
  • SoundCloud's impact on Beatport is huge.This means promoting your upcoming release there and putting a "buy option" and a link to Beatport in the description is super useful
  • Build up social media and connect to your fanbase.
    • growing audience leads to more potential customers
    • advertising releases with (paid) posts increases reach and conversion

  • Release strong tracks as singles
    • Focus on releasing tracks in a few genres and maintaining coherence among the tracks to make it easier for Beatport to decide on featuring them.

Following these tips won't guarantee you an instant feature, but in our experience, continuously building upon them will definitely give you an edge and increase your chances of being featured.

Some of these tips are not only important for a Beatport feature, but also for cultivating a healthy social media network and promoting your releases, both of which are essential these days!

Beatport Hype

The HYPE pool offers more promotional power and visibility to emerging labels, helping them grow and establish themselves in the music market. With the HYPE chart, Beatport is also adding an additional chart segment, providing an extra chance for these labels to hit a Beatport sales chart without having to compete with the "big" labels.

In order to be considered for a spot in the HYPE pool and to learn more about it, make sure to register your Label here.


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