DJ Mixes on Streaming platforms

The following is about how to upload a DJ mix to us. Please pay attention to the following steps as there are many things you need to be aware of when publishing.

  1. Only release DJ-Mix products if you own the full rights to each of the tracks you use, or if you have a non-exclusive licence to use and release those tracks.
  2. If that’s the case, go ahead and create a full-length, continuous DJ-Mix.
  3. Once the DJ-Mix is complete, cut it back into its individual tracks. So if you were to play the tracks one after the other, it would feel like you were playing the continuous DJ-Mix.
  4. Make sure you double-check each track after you’ve cut it out of the mix to make sure there are no blank audio sections at the beginning or end of each track.
  5. Now upload the tracks as a new product to using our rokket! upload tool.
  6. Make sure you include the correct naming and metadata for each track.
  7. Finish the upload and submit your release.
  8. Once submitted, please contact us at and let us know that you have just uploaded a DJ-Mix product. Ideally, you should include the catalogue number of your release.
  9. Our team will then add the suffix “Mixed” after each track name to comply with the platform’s guidelines for DJ-Mix products.
  10. Make sure you only select the “Streaming” group in step 6 “Limit Shops” in rokket! as only these stores are suitable for DJ-Mixes.

Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions!

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