
SoundCloud Whitelist Guide

SoundCloud uses an automated identification system in order to recognize copyright-protected content. This system is integrated into the upload process, meaning that all copyright-protected material will be recognized while being uploaded and blocked before it can go public on the platform. This can be disabled by placing accounts or tracks on the whitelist, ensuring that authorized users such as affiliated companies or PR agencies will be able to upload content without being repeatedly blocked.

To upload your content on your own channels, we advise you to put your label channel(s) and direct artist channels on theAccount Whitelist via this link:

Account Whitelist

Please notice: Do not attempt to put third party accounts, such as promotion companies on the whitelist.

If you plan to let a third party (e.g. promotion channel)upload your tracks, then you have to put each track for each uploader on theISRC Whitelist via this link:

ISRC Whitelist

Please whitelist your tracks 2 working days prior to the upload to avoid getting the content blocked!

After putting your channels on the whitelist, they are automatically being requested for monetization.

SoundCloud Monetization Guide

If you whitelisted your accounts then you have already completed the first step in the monetization process and your profile is being readied for monetization!

Unfortunately we do not receive a notification for every profile that has been monetized.

We recommend that you check your profile(s) 2-3 days after submitting the form to verify if your monetization request has been accepted. We also do not receive any notifications about monetized tracks.

There are two aspects of monetization: profile and track.

Once you’ve decided to whitelist your profile, it takes around 48 hours before you can monetize your tracks with this profile. This timespan has generally been consistent, though the process may be faster in some cases.

In relation to the tracks, click on“Edit Track” once your profile has successfully been monetized. 

When the tab “Monetization” appears (after ca. 48 hours), you may then enter the necessary meta data, such as the ISRC, publisher info, etc., to successfully monetize your track(s). It will also take around 48 hours for the monetization to be activated since SoundCloud must first have the publishing rights approved.

Tip: You can accelerate the process if you prepare all necessary data before the monetization tab appears.

In order to determine whether your track has been monetized, check the status on the “Track Edit” page, but remember that it takes around 48 hours to finally show up!

Check regularly whether all your tracks are being monetized for all new regions! If new regions come on board for monetization, your tracks won't be automatically monetized there.

Just check the attached PDF for an easy to use guide! 

Additionally, see our screenshot where various points of interest are marked to make it easier checking for monetization.

SoundCloud Go

SoundCloud changed from only being a free portal for content uploaders into a streaming shop offering new and exciting monetization options!.

Introducing SoundCloud Go, we automatically upload your content to SoundCloud on release day and monetize them - just like any other shop.

Your content is uploaded in the Go+ format, meaning that only Go+ users (in the currently supported countries) can listen to it in full length, non-subscribers will only be able to preview a 30sec snippet of the upload.

This ensures that you or your artists can always decide to upload tracks manually, as those will be made available for every listener.

If you have any issues with duplicate tracks or any other errors, feel free to fill out this form and state your problem.

You can find more info for this new model and many more useful tips in the attached document, which represents official info from SoundCloud.

Please note that SoundCloud Go is only available in: 

  • Australia
  • The USA and its territories: Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Marianas and Virgin Islands 
  • United Kingdom and its territories: Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man, Ireland
  • France and its territories: Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion
  • New Zealand
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • Netherlands
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Belgium
  • Switzerland
  • Portugal
  • Austria
  • Sweden
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Norway

SoundCloud Profile Verification

In SoundCloud it's now possible to verify your SoundCloud profiles.

The profile verification is intended to help well-known artists and labels to stand out on the platform and to maintain their authenticity.

In order to get your profile verified,your account must fulfill the following requirements:

  • It represents a well-known and/or highly searched for artist, collective, DJ, label, curator or podcaster.
  • It must be the unique presence of an artist, collective, DJ, label, curator or podcaster.
  • It doesn’t contain any misleading information and adheres to SoundCloud's terms of use.
  • It must have a bio, profile photo and at least one track uploaded.

Follow this link to learn more about the SoundCloud profile verification process.

Note: SoundCloud holds the right to verify accounts at their discretion.


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