SoundCloud Monetization Guide

SoundCloud Monetization Guide

If you whitelisted your accounts then you have already completed the first step in the monetization process and your profile is being readied for monetization!

Unfortunately we do not receive a notification for every profile that has been monetized.

We recommend that you check your profile(s) 2-3 days after submitting the form to verify if your monetization request has been accepted. We also do not receive any notifications about monetized tracks.

There are two aspects of monetization: profile and track.

Once you’ve decided to whitelist your profile, it takes around 48 hours before you can monetize your tracks with this profile. This timespan has generally been consistent, though the process may be faster in some cases.

In relation to the tracks, click on “Edit Track” once your profile has successfully been monetized. 

When the tab “Monetization” appears (after ca. 48 hours), you may then enter the necessary meta data, such as the ISRC, publisher info, etc., to successfully monetize your track(s). It will also take around 48 hours for the monetization to be activated since SoundCloud must first have the publishing rights approved.

Tip: You can accelerate the process if you prepare all necessary data before the monetization tab appears.

In order to determine whether your track has been monetized, check the status on the “Track Edit” page, but remember that it takes around 48 hours to finally show up!

Check regularly whether all your tracks are being monetized for all new regions!If new regions come on board for monetization, your tracks won't be automatically monetized there.

Just check the attached PDF for an easy to use guide! 

Additionally, see our screenshot where various points of interest are marked to make it easier checking for monetization.


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