Track- and Product titles (Format, Language etc.)


For English titles, the first letter of every word has to be capitalized.

There are some exceptions where all letters of words are written in lower case:

a, an, and, as, at, but, by, for, from, in, into, nor, of, off, on, onto, out, over, so, the, to, up and with

If these exceptions are at the beginning or end of the title, the first letters of those words are also capitalized.


- In the Still of the Night

- What They're Looking For

- Some Kind of Trouble

- I Love You So

- Justice / The Temptation

- A Perfect Day


For Spanish titles, the first letter of every word has to be capitalized.

There are some exceptions where all letters of words are written in lower case:

a, al, de, del, e, el, en, la, las, los, o, para, por, un, una and y

If these exceptions are at the beginning or end of the title, the first letters of those words are also capitalized.


- Guitarras de Medianoche

- Sevillanas: La Vuelta del Camino

- Ya No Me Quieres

- El Monstruo en el Lago


For Portuguese titles, the first letter of every word has to be capitalized.

There are some exceptions where all letters of words are written in lower case:

a, à, ao, aos, as, às, da, das, de, do, dos, e, em, na, nas, no, nos, o, os, ou, para, pela, pelas, pelo, pelos, por, pra, pro, um and uma

If these exceptions are at the beginning or end of the title, the first letters of those words are also capitalized.


- Luz da Tua Voz

French, Italian, Swedish

For French, Italian and Swedish titles, only the first letter of the entire title may be capitalized.

exceptions: people, places and proper names


- L’amour dans la rue

- E adesso che tocca a me 


For German titles, German orthography for capitalizing and using lower-case letters must be used. 

Umlauts such as Ää, Öö, Üü, ß must be used. 

Spelling abbreviations

Only the following abbreviations are permitted: #, &, a.k.a, DJ, feat., No., Pt., Pts., vs., Vol.

The following variations will not be accepted: Dj, Ft., Feat., Rmx, V., Vl., Vs, w/, w/o, V.A., VA


For your track titles you have to select which language this is.

Here it's important that you select language from the track title and not the language contained in the lyrics on the track.

For example:

Your track name is "Le chat chante". 

In this case you have to select french in the language selection, even if the lyrics are in English.

Important: One or more stores may reject the product if these requirements are not met.

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