Amazon for Artists

To access Amazon Music for Artists, you first need to verify your artist profile. You can start the sign-up process here.

Amazon Music for Artists provides comprehensive data about your music's performance:

  • Streaming Data: Track the number of streams all your releases receive along with the listener count. This feature allows you to monitor the performance of your songs nearly in real time.
  • Understanding Your Audience: Discover where your fans are located globally. Gain insights into where your biggest fans are based, and tailor your marketing strategies with localized data provided by Amazon Music for Artists.
  • Alexa and Your Music: Learn more about how your music performs on Alexa-enabled devices with the "Daily Speech Index". This tool shows how often listeners ask Alexa to play your music, detailing whether they searched by artist name, album title, specific song, or even snippets of lyrics.

Amazon Music for Artists offers valuable tools to understand your fans' preferences and optimize your music's reach effectively

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