Create a new release - Step 5: Cover upload

Artworks are the first thing your fans will see

Therefore, it should be appealing to look at and optimized for smaller displays, such as many shops use on their front page!

These are the requirements directly from the shops - please take care of them.

There must be no information about the format on the artwork (single, album etc) - You can add EP or compilation, but only if it really is an EP or compilation.


Single → 1-3 Tracks (playing time is less than 10 minutes per track) 

EP → 4-6 Tracks (with a total running time of 30 minutes or less) 

Album → from 7 tracks, which are from the same artist 

Compilation → from 7 Tracks, which are from different artist 

The following guidelines have to be observed for all cover designs.

  • Deliver the product's original cover art and do not use generic art templates or art that doesn’t match the album you’re delivering.

Texts and words must be displayed on the artwork:

  • The main artists of the release must all be indicated on the cover

You may not, for example, only name one main artist on the cover for a release with three different main artists. Eithereveryone should be named or no one

  • These are things you should avoid:
  • your artwork may not be pixelated or distorted
  • your artwork may not be empty 
  • Shop URLs may not be depicted on the artwork
  • Artwork must not include references to the physical packaging (for example, CD or vinyl), digital product, or any retailers
  • The cover may not depict any logos or brandnames or copyright-protected text or images unless you have express permission from the owner
  • Illegal, obscene or pornographic content
  • The cover may not display any Nazi images forbidden by German Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch) para. 86a
  • Indications in relation to the price or individual retailers may not be included
  • You retain all rights for the image:
    • You have permission to display the faces of all those who appear on the cover, especially in the case of a photograph
    • If you obtain the image from another person, you must possess the consent of use

We retain the right to reject covers and call for other designs at any time!

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