
General information about Spotify

All important information about Spotify can be found here.

How releases and artists are displayed on a Spotify account

Depending on the number of artists, your release will show up differently on the artist profiles.

If your release has more than three artists on it, it will be released as a “Various Artists” product (please note, that also Remixers count as main artists). In this case, your release will appear in your “Appears On” section and not in your discography. This is important because the release will be less prominent and will not appear as a main artist release. The same goes for Remix artists and featured artists, as they will not count as main artists. Compilations will be released in that section, too.

The exception to this are singles with one track only. If this one track is a Remix, the Remix artist will be handled as main artist on the release also and therefore see it in his or her discography.

Good to know: The „Appears On” section will only show 50 compilations at once on your desktop version or 25 compilations on the mobile version.

Spotify for Artists

→ Find more information here: Spotify for Artists

Label profile on Spotify

→ Find more information here: Spotify for Artists

Spotify Canvas

→ Find more information here: Spotify Canvas

How much does Spotify pay out per stream?

How much Spotify pays per stream is a question that unfortunately is not so easy to answer, as it depends on many factors.

  • the number of subscribers in the respective country
  • as well as the total amount of streams on the entire platform in this country
  • Spotify also differentiates between Spotify Premium, Family, Free, and so on

Due to these many different factors, which are included in the calculation per stream, it is therefore not possible to make a blanket statement about how much a stream is worth. To get a more accurate insight into the numbers and to better understand the distribution, we recommend downloading your most recent statement about your "Contract Settings" and filtering it by Spotify.

Spotify sends us the streaming numbers with a 3 month delay, meaning all streams that happen today won’t show up

on the statement until 3 months from now. All streams that are listed on the current statements took place 3 months ago.

Please also note that not every stream is billed, they are only counted when they are streamed for at least 30 seconds. Detailed information about your streams can be found in your Spotify for Artist account. If you have a track that is less than 30 seconds long, the number of streams will not be displayed. Nevertheless, they will be calculated.

Spotify Pitch & Verification

→ Find more information here: Spotify Pitch

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